When we submitted our last paper for publication, we also posted the manuscript on the pre-print server arXiv. This has several advantages:
(1) It makes the work freely accessible to everyone while the paper is being reviewed
(2) It makes the work freely accessible to everyone after its been published
(3) It establishes priority
However, journals will not accept manuscripts that have already been published. Will depositing a paper on a preprint server like arXiv.org or Nature Precedings prevent me from submitting my paper to a journal?
That depends on the journal, and you can check using this site call SHERPA/RoMEO.
Our paper went PLoS ONE. Not surprisingly, SHERPA/RoMEO tells you that PLoS ONE is a "green journal" that allows you to pretty much to anything with your manuscript before and after it is published. This makes sense since PLoS ONE is an open access journal.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A and Journal of Chemical Theory and Computations
But what if the paper doesn't get into PLoS ONE for some reason? In my pre-OA days I probably would have sent this paper to JPC-A or JCTC. SHERPA/RoMEO tells me both are "white journals" meaning I have to get permission from the publisher first, before I submit my pre-print.
I wasn't sure exactly what that meant so I wrote the managing editor of both journals, which happens to be the same person, whether I could submit to JPC-A and JCTC if I had deposited my manuscript in arXiv of Nature Precedings. The answer is "yes" for JPC-A (and B, C, and Letters) in both cases, and in the case of JCTC: "yes" for arXiv and "undecided" for Nature Precedings.
In all cases you have to state in the cover letter where you have posted your preprint.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
SHERPA/RoMEO lists PCCP as a "blue journal" meaning pre-print deposition is not allowed. However, the RSC License to Publish clearly states that deposition in arxiv is OK. So I contacted them. Deposition in ArXiv is allowed, but deposition in Nature Precedings is not!
Updates:The following journals will also consider manuscripts submitted to arXiv:
Update (2013.01.06): All American Physical Society journals including Physical Review and Physical Review Letters (HT +Robert Garisto)
Update (2013.01.06): Journal of Molecular Modeling and Nature Chemistry (HT +Grant Hill for info)
Update (2012.08.29): Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
Lessons Learned
(1) If you want to deposit your pre-print prior to submission, check SHERPA/RoMEO. If in doubt, check with the journal. But be patient, getting an answer can take a while.
(2) Even non-profit society journals (and their editors!) have their own interests in mind, not yours or science in general.
(3) Rational thinking doesn't seem to apply here in general. Why would arXiv be OK, but not Nature Precedings?
(1) It makes the work freely accessible to everyone while the paper is being reviewed
(2) It makes the work freely accessible to everyone after its been published
(3) It establishes priority
However, journals will not accept manuscripts that have already been published. Will depositing a paper on a preprint server like arXiv.org or Nature Precedings prevent me from submitting my paper to a journal?
That depends on the journal, and you can check using this site call SHERPA/RoMEO.
Our paper went PLoS ONE. Not surprisingly, SHERPA/RoMEO tells you that PLoS ONE is a "green journal" that allows you to pretty much to anything with your manuscript before and after it is published. This makes sense since PLoS ONE is an open access journal.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A and Journal of Chemical Theory and Computations
But what if the paper doesn't get into PLoS ONE for some reason? In my pre-OA days I probably would have sent this paper to JPC-A or JCTC. SHERPA/RoMEO tells me both are "white journals" meaning I have to get permission from the publisher first, before I submit my pre-print.
I wasn't sure exactly what that meant so I wrote the managing editor of both journals, which happens to be the same person, whether I could submit to JPC-A and JCTC if I had deposited my manuscript in arXiv of Nature Precedings. The answer is "yes" for JPC-A (and B, C, and Letters) in both cases, and in the case of JCTC: "yes" for arXiv and "undecided" for Nature Precedings.
In all cases you have to state in the cover letter where you have posted your preprint.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
SHERPA/RoMEO lists PCCP as a "blue journal" meaning pre-print deposition is not allowed. However, the RSC License to Publish clearly states that deposition in arxiv is OK. So I contacted them. Deposition in ArXiv is allowed, but deposition in Nature Precedings is not!
Updates:The following journals will also consider manuscripts submitted to arXiv:
Update (2013.01.06): All American Physical Society journals including Physical Review and Physical Review Letters (HT +Robert Garisto)
Update (2013.01.06): Journal of Molecular Modeling and Nature Chemistry (HT +Grant Hill for info)
Update (2012.08.29): Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
Lessons Learned
(1) If you want to deposit your pre-print prior to submission, check SHERPA/RoMEO. If in doubt, check with the journal. But be patient, getting an answer can take a while.
(2) Even non-profit society journals (and their editors!) have their own interests in mind, not yours or science in general.
(3) Rational thinking doesn't seem to apply here in general. Why would arXiv be OK, but not Nature Precedings?

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
"Why would arXiv be OK, but not Nature Precedings?"
Umm, well arXiv is a non-commerical service, whilst Nature Precedings is a product run by a commercial company, NPG. It doesn't seem strange that one Publisher doesn't consider an article previously published in a commercial rival's product.
So the RSC wants to help arXiv and hurt NPG? Well, I guess I can see the logic in that, if that's the reason.
Nice to know that AIP's Journal of Chemical Physics appears to also be a green journal with respect to this.
Much of the physics community is miles ahead of chemistry, when it comes to preprint deposition. And math appears miles ahead of them.
By the way, http://www.councilscienceeditors.org/files/presentations/2009/Ingoldsby.pdf has some research on what percentage of physics articles are on arXiv. Not surprisingly, J. Chem. Phys. is doing quite bad at around 7%, whereas e.g. Phys. Rev. D has a submission ratio of 97%. It seems there are also some great differences between the different fields in physics.
Money quote: "Of course, all Physical Review Letters papers are contained in the arXiv" (though looking at the numbers, only 55% of all Phys. Rev. Lett. papers are on arXiv)
Many people who publish in JCP consider themselves chemists and most chemists have never heard about arXiv. Most of the ones who have think arXiv is exclusively for physics. It would really help if arXiv made a chemistry section. I wrote to them about this, but no reply.
The other, related, issue is whether chemists feel an arXiv submission establishes priority since they live in perpetual fear of being scooped.
The final issue is that most chemistry journals appear to be arXiv-hostile, though some are not when you actually write to them and ask.
Mmm. I love keeping my journal's policy on arXiv deposition ambiguous. Offers me an additional way to reject the really lousy papers without review...
And, at the risk of sounding snarky, the percentage of papers deposited openly as a function of a given field (e.g., math > physics > chemistry) is inversely proportional to that field's likelihood of producing anything having any useful/economic consequence.
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