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Thursday, June 7, 2012

PhD fellowship in molecular drug research at the University of Copenhagen

The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen is pleased to announce that a PhD fellowship will be available from 1 September 2012 or as soon as possible thereafter. Applications are invited for the three-year fellowships from candidates that hold or expect to hold a master's degree in a field relevant to the following project:
The driving forces for recognition of drug compounds by cytochrome P450 enzymes - Computational chemistry studies on thermodynamics of binding. Supervisor: Associate Professor Lars Olsen, Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology (email:

An applicant with experience in computational chemistry (in particular molecular dynamics simulations), thermodynamic studies or protein-ligand studies will be preferred. Experimental experience with handling proteins will also be an advantage.

The project is part of the Faculty’ collaboration with the Leiden/Amsterdam Centre for Drug Research and are expected to lead to a double PhD degree at the University of Copenhagen and Vrije University Amsterdam (
see press release).
The PhD student will spend a significant part of the time in Amsterdam, and fulfil the academic requirements for both Universities. In Denmark, the PhD fellowship is to be completed in accordance with the 
Ministerial order on the PhD programme at the universities (PhD order) from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and the Regulations and guidelines for the conferment of the PhD degree by the Faculty .

The terms of employment are stated in the agreement between The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations and the Ministry of Finance. 
As an equal opportunity employer, the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences invites applications from all interested candidates regardless of gender, age, ethnic origin or religion.
For further information, applicants may contact the main supervisor.
How to apply
STEP ONE: Make the following pdf-files:
  1. Letter stating the interest and qualifications for the project (max. one page)
  2. Full CV
  3. Master's degree diploma (including grade transcripts for bachelor’s and master’s degrees)
  4. Possible publication list
  5. Possible references
  6. Applicants with a Master's degree from abroad should also enclose a short description of the grading scale used. 
STEP TWO: Apply on-line by filling in the application form below and uploading the pdf-files.
STEP THREE: Print the pdf-files and send one hard copy in an envelope marked “PhD September 2012 LACDR" to:
University of Copenhagen
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Personnel Office
Universitetsparken 2
DK - 2100 Copenhagen
The hard copy has to be received at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Personnel Office before the application deadline. Please do not send the application directly to the main supervisor, all applications should be sent to the Personnel Office.
Deadline for applications: Tuesday 17 July 2012 at 12 o'clock noon.  
Evaluation process: Applications will be handled and processed by the main supervisor and by the Scholarship Committee. An answer as to the granting of the fellowship can be expected appr. 4 weeks after application deadline. 

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