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Thursday, March 14, 2013

PhD Position in Theoretical/Computational Chemistry at the University of Southern Denmark

A fully financed three-year PhD position in theoretical/computational chemistry is available for a highly motivated applicant at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy at the University of Southern Denmark starting from 1 June 2013. The position is financed through the Sapere Aude programme under the Danish Council for Independent Research.

The research project will consists of - in roughly equal parts – theory/algorithm development and computational modelling within molecular biophysics. The main focus will be on studying electronic processes in complex and biological environments, and the developed methods will rely extensively on quantum mechanical formulations. Of special interest will be models which effectively combine quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics aiming for a realistic description of very large bio-molecules including all physical relevant interactions.

The ideal candidate holds a Master’s degree or equivalent in theoretical (bio)physics, modelling, chemistry or computational science. The candidate should have knowledge in one of the following programming languages: C/C++, Python or Fortran. Experience in computational chemistry/physics is a prerequisite.

More information here.

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