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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Does publishing in PLoS ONE hurt your chances of getting a PhD? One data point

+Casper Steinmann defends in PhD thesis in a few weeks time.  In Denmark the thesis committee is composed of three people: a local faculty member (not the PhD advisor) and two tenured scientists from other universities, at least one of which must be from outside Denmark.

Prior to the defense the committee writes a brief summary of the thesis and state whether its sufficient for the defense. Most of Casper's PhD research is published in PLoS ONE. Given the online discussion about PLoS ONE going on over at DrugMonkey's blog, I was particularly  happy to see this statement in the report:
Of the five papers (given in Chapters 4 to 9), CS is the first author on four of these. Three of these papers are published in well-renown, high-impact international journals (Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2011), PloS One (2012, 2012), one is submitted to PLoS one and another one will be submitted to The Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation.

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