I recently came across this interesting blog post by mathematician Doron Zeilberger entitled Opinion 117: People Should Learn to Share their Ideas, and Make their Funded Grant Proposals Public (and an Efficient Algorithm for convincing those that refuse).
There he writes:
Mathematics and Science is a communal enterprise, and it is very important that people share their ideas. Unfortunately, it is very hard to get the big picture. The number of good expository articles is, unfortunately, very small. (People who write them should be rewarded! A good expository article is worth one thousand mediocre (and even good) technical papers.)
People are at their expository best when they are begging for money, and in the case of mathematicians and scientists, this means writing a grant proposal. The scientific community would benefit a lot if people would publicly post their funded grants, and be generous with their ideas.
The man is right. So, without further ado*, here are my (i.e. where I was PI) funded proposals:**
2010 Protein Design Using Quantum Mechanics (Danish Center for Supercomputing)
2010 Protein Design Using Quantum Mechanics (Danish Center for Supercomputing)
2008 Computational Design of Stable Enzymes (Danish National Science Foundation, DSF-NABIIT)
2006 Modeling pH-Dependence in Drug Design (EU Marie Curie Program)
2006 Modeling pH-Dependence in Drug Design (EU Marie Curie Program)
2006 Computational Prediction and Validation of Protein Structure and Function in Protein Engineering and Rational Drug Design (Danish National Science Foundation, FNU)
2006 Prediction and Interpretation of Protein pKa’s Using QM/MM (US National Science Foundation - MCB; rescinded when I moved to Denmark)
2006 Prediction and Interpretation of Protein pKa’s Using QM/MM (US National Science Foundation - MCB; rescinded when I moved to Denmark)
2002 The Prediction and Interpretation of Protein pKa’s Using QM/MM (US National Science Foundation - MCB)
* Actually, just a bit more ado: This seems like a good occasion to publicly thank Lou Messerle at the University of Iowa. Whatever success I have had in getting proposals funded is a direct result of Lou's fantastic help with the 2002 NSF proposal.
** That still open correctly in Word